We are very happy to announce the first release of OpenVL! This version provides a high-level interface to image segmentation. Results can be visualised using the included VisionGL library (for testing etc.), or extracted to use for your own applications.
The release contains C++ static library binaries for OS X (Xcode/GCC), Windows (Visual Studio 2010) and Linux (GCC), as well as all the necessary headers, and an example application.
You can download it here:
Please note that this is research software, so expect lots of bugs and missing features. Feedback is appreciated, so please
let us know if you find a problem or would like to suggest an addition.
We are also looking for academic and industry collaborations to help develop OpenVL -
contact us if you're interested!
Release Notes
*** 2013/07/01 OpenVL v0.1a ***
First release
- Image segmentation
- Desktop implementation (designed for use on desktop/laptop systems)
- OSX-Xcode, Windows-VisualStudio and Linux-GCC supported